updated on 20 Nov 2024
1 minute
The NCCPE has created a wealth of resources to support high-quality public engagement practice and policy. Search through our site for tools, guides, briefings, tools, collections and more to support your work.
Working in partnership
Are you hoping to develop a partnership as part of your engagement work? Our resources below will guide you through the process, from finding a partner to creating a sustainable working relationship.
Evaluating your work
Embracing evaluation will help you monitor and improve your work! Have a look at our tools below and find out how to evidence the value of your engagement.
Are you new to public engagement?
If this is all new to you, have a look at our resources below to get you started!
Making the case for public engagement
You're not alone! We have a wealth of resources to help you lobby for public engagement within your institution.
151 Results
Learn from others!
Be inspired by our public engagement case studies, featuring a huge variety of engagement approaches from apocalyptic festivals to community peer researchers, and photo-voice projects to pen pal exchanges.

The Turing Way
The Turing Way is an open-source, community-led, and collaboratively developed project. It is a handbook and a global community dedicated to making data science and research skills accessible, comprehensible, and [...]

OCD and the Brain: co-producing an online toolkit
OCD and the Brain brought together people living with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), University College London (UCL) researchers, OCD charities, and facilitators. They shared experiences of OCD, discussed the brain’s role [...]

Shameless! Festival of Activism Against Sexual Violence
Using activism, art, and academic research to challenge societal attitudes to sexual violence, and inspire action. A case study from Dr Rhea Sookdeosingh, Honorary Research Fellow at the School of [...]

Fair Funding: University of Edinburgh Community Grant Scheme
More than 200 community organisations in the City of Edinburgh, Fife, Lothians and Scottish Borders have been awarded funding from the University of Edinburgh's community grant scheme since it launched [...]

CAER Heritage Project (Caerau And Ely Rediscovering)
Nestled deep in a West Cardiff suburb, surrounded by houses, is one of the most important, yet little understood, prehistoric monuments in the region – Caerau Hillfort.