Research for All Journal
An open-access journal focusing on research that involves universities and communities, services or industries working together.
About the journal
Research for All is an open access journal. Contributors and readers are from both inside and outside of higher education. They include researchers, policymakers, managers, practitioners, community-based organisations, schools, businesses and the intermediaries who bring these people together. The journal aims to raise the quality of engaged research by stimulating discussion about the effectiveness of engagement with researchers, research outcomes and processes.
Call for papers
We are looking for articles that describe, explain and analyse engaged research. Articles may include words, images, audio and video. Submissions should fall into the following broad categories. We are particularly keen to receive co-authored contributions.
To be considered for the journal please send expressions of interest, outlines, abstracts or draft contributions to Journal Manager Ian Caswell (i.caswell@ucl.ac.uk) and Journal Development Editor, Amy Lynn (a.lynn@ucl.ac.uk). Please contact Ian or Amy if you have any enquiries about the journal.
- Articles that investigate the relationship between theory and practice. These might be conventional academic research articles that generate, build and test theory. Or they might be vivid accounts, case studies, new insights or critical reflections about practice (2,000–7,000 words).
- In-depth feature articles that analyse the thinking around an aspect of engaged research. These pieces draw on the wealth of writing, experience and thought from across different disciplines and practices involved in engaged research. They capture the breadth of the landscape while providing new insights around a specific theme or topic (5,000–10,000 words).
- Commentaries offering views about thinking, practices and debates in engaged research (1,500–3,000 words).
- ‘Who inspired my thinking?’ Personal reflections drawing out key features of a book, paper or person and how they influenced the writer’s thought and practice (up to 1,500 words).
- Reviews of publications, events and resources that are relevant to engaged research (800–1,500 words).
Journal information
This open-access, peer-reviewed journal is sponsored by the UCL Institute of Education and the National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE). This joint venture models the principles of public engagement in research through its editorial advisory board and associate editors who are drawn from within and beyond higher education. It is published by UCL IOE Press and is available on the ingentaconnect journals platform. People involved with the production of the journal are as follows.
- Sandy Oliver, UCL Institute of Education, UK
- Sophie Duncan, National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement, UK
- Ian Caswell, Journals Manager, UCL Press
- Sunbul Akhtarsunbul, Journals Coordinator, UCL Press
Associate editors
- Kim Aumann, Boing Boing, UK
- Cath Chamberlain, Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute, Australia
- Hamish Chalmers, Oxford Brookes University, UK
- Helen Featherstone, University of Bath, UK
- Jude Fransman, Open University, UK
- Janet Jull, Bruyère Research Institute and University of Ottawa, Canada
- Lorraine McIlrath, NUI Galway, Ireland
- Henk Mulder, Groningen University, Germany
- Kate Pahl, Manchester Metropolital University, UK
- Gene Rowe, Gene Rowe Associates, UK
- Norbert Steinhaus, Living Knowledge – The International Science Shop Network, Germany
- Ruth Stewart, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
- Allison Tong, University of Sydney, Australia
- Claire Wood, University of Leicester, UK