PEP Network Application form Copied to clipboard Please use this webform to apply for the Public Engagement Professionals (PEP) Network. Find out more about the PEP Network Current Start About you Your role The NCCPE's public engagement professionals network (or PEP Network) aims to support public engagement professionals across the UK working in higher education and research and to enable them to access peer support and the latest thinking on engagement.The PEP Network is designed to meet the specific needs of a particular group - public engagement professionals working in or with higher education institutions who have a specific remit to support or coordinate public engagement. If this is not you, then do get in touch to explore how else the NCCPE can support you in your role.We ask prospective members to fill in an application form. We're keen to understand more about our members so that we can provide the right kinds of support and advocate effectively on your behalf.We estimate this evaluation form will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Data protection consentIn order to receive your webform submission, the NCCPE requires your consent for us to process your personal data. Please see our Privacy Notice for information on how your personal data will be processed.We will store all your responses securely in password-protected files held on a server hosted by the University of the West of England, Bristol. Do you consent to the NCCPE processing your personal data for the following purposes? Questions Yes No Processing your webform application (consent is required for us to accept your submission) Yes No Receiving emails from NCCPE in relation to the PEP Network Yes No Thank you for your interest. If you would like to complete this webform we need your consent to process your responses as described above. Without your consent we will be unable to contact you about your PEP Network Membership and the programme of activity.